Selasa, 15 April 2008

Pemutaran film pendek Prancis-Indonesia & diskusi bersama Rémi Fontanel

Pusat Kebudayaan Prancis – CCF Jakarta mempersembahkan
Pemutaran film pendek Prancis-Indonesia
& diskusi bersama Rémi Fontanel

Sabtu, 19 April 2008 pukul 15.00 WIB
di Sinema CCF Jakarta
Jalan Salemba Raya 25 Jakarta Pusat 10440

Masuk bebas
Bekerjasama dengan Festival Sinema Prancis, program à courts d'écran
kali ini akan menampilkan koleksi dari Mythologie(s) de mon voisin,
sebuah asosiasi yang memfasilitasi sutradara muda untuk mempromosikan
karyanya dengan mengkompilasikan karya-karya mereka dalam DVD untuk
keseluruh dunia. Program ini juga menyertakan dua film pendek Indonesia
dan diskusi bersama Rémi Fontanel, salah satu pendiri asosiasi
Mythologie(s) de mon voisin.

Mythologie(s) de mon voisin :

Kulihat Tamanku
Renas Makki | Fiksi | 3'02" | Gnosis Film | 2004

Di sebuah rumah kosong, seorang ayah menghadapi kenyataan pahit bahwa
saat ini, bayinya yang baru saja lahir sedang sekarat.

Mythologie de mon voisin
Violaine Tatéossian | 4 min. | DV

Tetanggaku... tiap malam... siapa dia?

La vie après la mort d'Henrietta Lacks
Mathias Théry | 24 min. | DV

Manuel, peneliti penerbangan, adalah seorang pemuda simpatik, lucu dan
kekanak-kanakan. Baginya, praktek ilmiah ada hubungan dengan khayalan.

Une journée de -Lucie
Laurent Charles | 5 min. | 16 mm.

Dari diculik, menjadi perempuan yang abadi, seharian penuh, sebuah
lintasan, perjalanan...

Adrian Kukal | 6 min. | DV

Setiap pagi, rutinitas yang sama...

Dernière sonate au clair de lune
Morgan Rauscent | 14 min. | DV

Sonata sinar rembulan terakhir dapat menjadi sebuah halaman tertentu
sejarah perfilman, sebuah film tak biasa yang terlupakan dan

Mon beau sourire
Angèle Diabang Brener | 4 min. | DV

Kadangkala kita harus sedikit berkorban untuk menjadi cantik

Les enfants de Roberto
Laurent Charles | 10 min. | DVCAM

Sebuah pendekatan perbandingan dari data ekonomis dan teknis dari film

Reason to Live and the Simplest way to die - Seperti Ikan
Moonaya | Fiksi | 4'30" | 2006

Film ini menggambarkan rasa tertutup dan terasing karena tidak menerima
keragaman di sekitar. Di sini dengan kontras digambarkan perpaduan
gambar realita Jakarta dengan rangkaian gambar puitis.


à courts d'écran adalah sebuah program yang memfasilitasi pembuat film
pendek Indonesia-Prancis melalui pemutaran film serta diskusi untuk
menciptakan ruang apresiasi bagi pembuat film pendek dan publik. CCF
Jakarta membuka ruang bagi pembuat film pendek Indonesia untuk terlibat
dalam program ini. Pembuat film pendek Indonesia dapat mengirimkan karya
ke CCF Jakarta untuk dikurasi dan ditampilkan dalam satu program
pemutaran. Program pemutaran dilakukan sebulan sekali di CCF Salemba
serta tempat lainnya.

à courts d'écran
Pusat Kebudayaan Prancis - CCF Jakarta
Jalan Salemba Raya no. 25 Jakarta Pusat 10440
Tel (021) 390 77 16, 390 85 85
Fax (021) 390 85 86

CALL FOR PAPERS - 5th Annual Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference (ASEACC)

5th Annual Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference (ASEACC) STATES OF INDEPENDENCE

The first decade of the 2000s has seen a stunning upsurge of independent cinema in a number of Southeast Asian countries. This development has been one of the motivations of the Annual Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference (ASEACC), and this year we want to focus completely on the issue of identity. We invite contributions that address the somewhat contentious notion of "independent cinema" from different theoretical and methodological angles. The concept of "independent cinema" means something very different in the emerging countries of Southeast Asia than in the US or Western Europe, and we want to tease out some of the particular qualities of independent cinema in the region.
We want to ask what "independence" means in countries, where the commercial film industry is slowly bleeding to death, but where the distribution is often dominated by commercial chains that are rather disinclined to show independent films. We are interested in papers about the situation of independent distribution channels, be it
 "microcinemas" in galleries, socio-cultural centers or people's living rooms, or on the Internet. We are looking for contributions that address the specific aesthetics of independent films from the region. In particular, we encourage papers that study the work of individual independent filmmakers or analyse specific indie films. Finally, we will focus on the situation in this year's host country, the Philippines. As is our tradition, filmmakers will participate in open forums and screen their works.
Another focus of this year's conference will be the role of technology and "new media" in the creation of an alternative "mediascape" in the region. We invite papers that examine the influence of digital technology on the film language that Southeast Asian film makers are developing.
We are also encouraging contributions that engage with historic aspects of dependence and independence, such as the colonial legacies of some European countries in Southeast Asia or more contemporary inter-dependencies between Europe and Southeast Asia (for example, the policies of European film festivals, funding bodies or production companies such as the Rotterdam Film Festival, the Hubert Bals Fund, Fortissimo, etc).
Alternative funding/distribution channels and bodies
Issues of identity and representation in independent film
Interdisciplinary approaches in alternative media production
Independent film and the mainstream
Festivals and grant-giving bodies
The Local and the Global
Independent film in the Philippines
Manila, The Philippines,
November 27 – 29, 2008
Please send an abstract (max. 500 words) of your proposed paper to one these members of the program committee of the conference:
Dr. Rolando B. Tolentino:
Dr. Sophia Harvey:
Dr. Gaik Cheng Khoo:
Dr. Tilman Baumgärtel:
DEADLINE: May 21, 2008
We are currently attempting to get funding for travel subsidies and accommodations but cannot offer any as yet. Prospective participants are strongly encouraged to secure their own travel funding. We are also trying to get discounted hotel and dorm rooms for conference participants.
The conference will be accompanied by screenings of selected independent films from Southeast Asia from November 25 – 26 and on November 30, 2009.
For more information on the conference visit our website:

Senin, 14 April 2008

Undangan Pemutaran film & Diskusi Jaringan Perempuan Perdamaian PWA

Peace Women Across the Globe & Kineforum DKJ

mengundang anda hadir pada:

Pemutaran film jaringan Perempuan Perdamaian (Peace Women Across the Globe)
21 - 27 April 2008
Jam 14.00, jam 17.30 & jam 19.00
di Studio 1, Kineforum, Bioskop di TIM, Cikini Raya, Jakarta Pusat
untuk detail sinopsis film yang diputar:

Jadwal film detail:

21 April 2008
jam. 15.30
Ngobrol bareng: Sr. Brigitta Renyaan, Peace Women dari Ambon

25 April 2008
jam 15.30
Ngobrol bareng: Kamala Chandrakirana (Ketua Komnas Perempuan) & Andi (producer Tala Bai)

Kami mengharapkan kehadiran rekan-rekan semua dan mohon memforward email ini kepada jaringan anda.
Kontak Panitia:
Sandie: 0817-669 4913
Ita: 0818 - 831115
Atau email kami:

Terimakasih banyak atas perhatiannya.

Olin Monteiro
Koordinator Peace Women Across the Globe (PW